AWS Blu Age Level 3 Test


With the upcoming BluAge update in October, could you please provide information on the following two points?

  1. Are there any planned changes to the application implementation procedures within the L3 Workshop due to the BluAge update? We would like to determine if those who took the course in September will need to relearn the material after October.

  2. Similarly, do presentations need to be completed by the end of September? If self-training and quizzes are completed by September but the presentation is postponed to October, will it be necessary to redo the self-training from the beginning?

asked 17 days ago26 views
1 Answer


1- There is no change in application implementation procedures due to the update except some Ad-hoc modifications that are not necessary anymore.

2- If self-training and quiz are completed by September, the presentation could be postponed to October.

answered 16 days ago

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