noisy simulation using Pennylane in AWS braket


Instead of accessing quantum hardware, while we are trying to implement noisy simulation using Pennylane in AWS braket (Zone:N.Virginia), it is running very slowly and becomes almost impossible to complete the task.

asked 4 months ago75 views
1 Answer

Hi Mahua, Classical simulations of quantum computing is generally computationally demanding and can be completed quickly only for smaller problem size. If you used local density matrix simulator, you can try out on-demand density matrix simulator which can handle larger circuit size because the computation is performed on AWS. In this page from the Braket Developer Guide, it specifies the maximum qubit count for simulation (12 for local simulator and 17 for on-demand simulator). Amazon Braket recently developed a new local simulator that speeds up simulation. We encourage you to try it out too. This new simulator is currently experimental. If you find any issue, you can open an Issue in its GitHub page linked above.

answered 4 months ago

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