How I can Remove Member Organization with error code ConstraintViolationException?


How I can remove member organization? When im remove pop up error code and said : ConstraintViolationException.

asked 2 years ago1825 views
1 Answer

I suggest to open an account support case with AWS Support (you don't need to have paid support plan for this) - - as they will be able to advise better. Without looking at your account or having additional information, it's hard to tell you the exact reason.

One reason why you may not be able to remove account from your Organization may be that the account is not set up to exist as a standalone account (no payment information, contact details or verified phone number added to the account). You can find more information about restrictions and requirements of removing accounts from Organization in the documentation, here -

You can also check this Knowledge Base article with the video that talks about this scenario, too -

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

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