setting connection between aws glue and mongodb atlas


i got a mongodb atlas cluster outside aws. I want to use aws glue with my mongo db databases so i created a connection but im getting "InvalidInputException: Unable to resolve any valid connection". Im sure that i provide a valid URL and username and password.

Then I found this article ( to configure a private link between aws and atlas but there is an associated cost for both services

There is another way?

  • I am getting an identical error ("InvalidInputException: Unable to resolve any valid connection") when I try to test a glue connector to my mongoDB atlas database. The connection string, user and password work fine on another client.

asked 9 months ago497 views
1 Answer


As you may know already, MongoDB atlas requires an additional "+srv" thing in the connection URL, could you please check if you have included "+srv" in the URL.

MongoDB Atlas URL need to be provided in the format: mongodb+srv://mongoHost:mongoPort/mongoDBname.

You can also go through below AWS documentation to verify if you are missing any steps or configuration.

[1] MongoDB connections -

[2] Testing an AWS Glue connection -

You can also refer below documentations to understand different deployment options.

profile pictureAWS
answered 9 months ago
  • Yes, my url is mongodb+srv:// Where i get the url in this format? mongodb+srv://mongoHost:mongoPort/mongoDBname

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