Using human loop configuration of Amazon Augmented AI with Amazon Textract's Expense Analysis API


I am using Textract's StartExpenseAnalysis and GetExpenseAnalysis API to analyze multipage documents. These are the documents that I had followed for reference -


We want to integrate Amazon Augmented AI's human review process in our flow. I have gone through the following document to understand the human review process using the analyze document API -


However, when I tried to use the same "HumanLoopConfig" with the Expense Analysis API, I got this error - Parameter validation failed: Unknown parameter in input: "HumanLoopConfig" I am attaching the screenshots of the error for reference

  1. Start Expense Analysis error
  2. Get Expense Analysis error
  • Is the human review process supported for expense analysis API ?
  • Or is there some issue with the way I am using the "HumanLoopConfig" in the API call ?
  • If the process is supported, is there any documentation that I can review ?
asked 2 years ago404 views
1 Answer


Thanks for using Textract service! We understand your need to integrate with A2I but unfortunately Expense analysis APIs currently not support A2I yet. Please consider using AnalyzeDocument API to integrate with A2I. You can find the APIs here and supported parameters. If HumanLoopConfig is not in the request parameter list, it means not supported yet.

Thank you!

answered 2 years ago

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