Can't Connect to IOT Endpoint


I enable my iot service. But I Can't Connect with mqtts://

wss:// return 0x87 - Not authorized.

But mqtts:// don't response anything. Just keep read timeout. mqtts://

asked 25 days ago118 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

hello, Here are some steps to troubleshoot and potentially resolve the problem:

1.IAM Policies: Ensure IAM policies allow necessary actions (iot:Connect, iot:Publish) for IoT devices.

2.IoT Policy: Verify IoT policies attached to devices allow required actions.

3.Endpoint Configuration: Double-check correct IoT endpoint and URL.

4.Security Groups and ACLs: Review security groups and network ACLs to allow traffic on ports 8883 (MQTT over TLS) and 443 (WebSocket over TLS).

5.TLS Configuration: Ensure correct TLS configuration with certificates and CA bundle.

6.Network Connectivity: Test network connectivity using tools like ping, telnet, or nc.

7.AWS IoT Logs: Check AWS IoT logs for error messages related to connections.

8.Client-Side Debugging: Enable debug logging on device client for detailed connection information.

i hope this will helps you ,

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answered 25 days ago
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reviewed 24 days ago
  • I realized that I used the wrong 443 port when testing mqtts://


Getting started with AWS IoT is not easy. Instead of spending hours trying without success, you might try an interactive tutorial lab at

to get started in 15 minutes. Good luck!

answered 24 days ago

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