Apple MacOS Calendar - Repeat Invitations


I'm having issues to send a repeating event from an Apple macOS Calendar. There is no issue, when I login from webmail link. I can create repeating event without an issue. Here are the Mac details: macOS: 13.2.1 (22D68) Calendar Version: Version 11.0 (2932.3.4) When I send the invitation, I receive an error says "unable to access the account". It does not send the meeting to recipients. I see question mark next to mailboxes. I try to delete the e-mail account and create it again. Problem still happens

asked a year ago197 views
2 Answers


I'm sorry to hear you're experiencing problems with sending a repeating meeting via Mac Calendar. Does this only occur when sending a repeating meeting or also when sending a single event? Also do you see any error when sending out mail via Mac Mail?

Kind regards Robin

answered a year ago

Hi Robin,

It only occurs with repeating meeting. There is no issue with single event. When I send the invitation, exclamation mark seen next to the mail accounts section on the left part of Calendar app. When I click to this mark, it says your calendar couldn't be refreshed. Unable to connect to the account xxxx. There is question mark on the event next to the human icon. I have also validated that the meeting request is not received by recipient or recipients.

Thank you, Mert

answered a year ago

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