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The source for AWS Elemental MediaTailor needs to have SCTE-35 ad markers like described here : https://docs.aws.amazon.com/mediatailor/latest/ug/what-is-flow.html.
The Amazon IVS output HLS streams do not have those (nor the service has the ability to insert them) so ad insertion/replacement with AWS Elemental MediaTailor and IVS is not possible.
The first answer we received on this simply states that ad insertion/replacement using IVS as a source is not possible.
This would lead to the next question: when MediaTailor specifies a live source - what source are they suggesting as an ingest?
Here's documentation that shows that MediaTailor can, in fact, accept a live source: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/mediatailor/latest/ug/channel-assembly-working-live-sources.html
And here's a screen shot showing a live feed ingested into a source location in MediaTailor:
So if an IVS live stream cannot be used - what can?
Any assistance appreciated!
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- asked a year ago
- AWS OFFICIALUpdated 6 months ago
- AWS OFFICIALUpdated 3 years ago
- AWS OFFICIALUpdated 3 years ago
Thanks so much for your response. We know however, that MediaTailor is capable of ingesting a live feed. Here is this method described: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/mediatailor/latest/ug/channel-assembly-working-live-sources.html
So if IVS cannot provide the required live feed, what product within AWS can?
Thanks for your time an consideration.