EKS cluster upgrade from 1.28 to 1.29


Hi AWS, I have to upgrade my EKS cluster from version 1.28 to version 1.29. Initially I ran the command eks upgrade cluster --name <clustername> --approve (DRY Run) but it only updates the Control Plane.

Other compoents that needs to be updated are:

  1. Update DaemonSets on your X.X nodes.
  2. To move pods running on old nodes to new nodes.
  3. Delete the nodegroup.

EKS with Fargate covers all the above pointers which I mentioned above apart from upgrading the Control Plane. Is there any other component which I need to update as part of EKS cluster upgrading. Please suggest.

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asked 5 months ago1499 views
1 Answer


Before Upgrade try to verify following:

  • Check the Version release file to check features which may affect your applications, Github release file and
  • Take a **backup **of your cluster configuration and any stateful data before proceeding.

Once you upgrade a cluster, you can't downgrade to a previous version. We recommend that, before you update to a new Kubernetes version, you review the information in Amazon EKS Kubernetes versions and also review in the update steps in this topic.

Upgrade :

Control Plane:

  • you can use console or CLI or any IaC tool to upgrade the cluster, reference documentation

Worker Nodes: Managed Node Groups:

  • Create new Node group with AMI
  • AMI optimized with latest changes information is https://github.com/awslabs/amazon-eks-ami/releases
  • Update node group: Change the configuration of your node group to use the new AMI you found.
  • Update nodes gradually, not all at once, to avoid downtime.

Self-Managed Nodes: Upgrade packages: Use your operating system's tools (like apt-get or yum) to install the Kubernetes 1.29 packages. Drain and cordon: For each old node, temporarily block new pods from being scheduled and move existing pods away. Delete old nodes: Once empty

Fargate: No action needed: Fargate handles the upgrades for you automatically.

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answered 5 months ago
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reviewed 5 months ago
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reviewed 5 months ago

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