How to migrate database From Redshift serverless To Redshift NON-serverless dc2?


Hi everyone, I found documentation on how to migrate things into Redshift serverless, but very limited resource for the other way around - migrating OUT of serverless to regular dc2. should I use the data migration tool (DMS)? or is it better to utilize the data sharing feature? Thanks!

2 Answers

The simplest way to migrate data from Redshift Serverless to Redshift Provisioned could be to restore a snapshot. Here's the process:

  • Create a manual snapshot of your Redshift Serverless namespace or use one of the existing recovery points.
  • By default, Amazon Redshift Serverless automatically creates recovery points every 30 minutes and keeps them for 24 hours. These recovery points serve as automatic backups of your data.
  • You can create a snapshot from one of these recovery points.
  • Once the snapshot is ready, you can restore it to a provisioned Redshift cluster.

This approach provides a straightforward method to migrate your data while ensuring data integrity and minimizing downtime. It leverages Redshift's built-in snapshot and restore functionality, making it an efficient and reliable migration path.

answered a month ago

The auto response from the AWS Generative AI is incorrect hence striking it out.

Also, note that it is not recommended to use DC2 instances for Redshift Provisioned cluster anymore, instead use Redshift RA3 nodes or Redshift Serverless.

To migrate data from Redshift Serverless to Redshift Provisioned or vice versa, you can use the Cluster Snapshot and restore it as the new cluster.

To migrate your database from Amazon Redshift Serverless to a non-serverless Redshift cluster with dc2 nodes, you have a couple of options, but using AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) is not the most straightforward approach in this case. Here's what you can do:

1. Data Sharing: This is likely the most efficient method for your migration. Amazon Redshift allows data sharing between serverless and provisioned clusters. You can use this feature to share your data from the serverless namespace to your new dc2 cluster. Here's a general process:

Data sharing is supported for all provisioned RA3 cluster types and Amazon Redshift Serverless. It isn't supported for other cluster types.

Unload and Load: If data sharing is not suitable for your use case, you can use the traditional unload and load method:

  • Unload your data from Redshift Serverless to Amazon S3.
  • Then, use the COPY command to load this data into your new dc2 cluster.

It's important to note that while AWS DMS supports Redshift Serverless as a target, it's not typically used for migrations between Redshift environments. DMS is more commonly used for migrating from other database systems to Redshift.

When deciding between these methods, consider factors like the volume of data, any schema changes required, and whether you need to maintain continuous synchronization during the migration process. Data sharing might be preferable for its simplicity and efficiency, especially if you're moving large amounts of data. ~~ Sources
Data sharing in Amazon Redshift Serverless - Amazon Redshift
Sharing your data in Amazon Redshift - Amazon Redshift
Amazon Redshift database as a target for AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) with best practices | AWS re:Post

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