Seeking suggestions for AWS diagramming tool


I'm still studying for the associate arch exam and I am looking for a diagramming tool (along the lines of, Cloudcraft, etc.) for a tabula rasa workflow to allow me to capture visualizations of what I think would be helpful for me in my learning.

Such a (generic, not the AWS definition) workflow would go along these lines:

  1. Draw box(es)for a region(s)
  2. draw one or more VPCs in the region(s)
  3. draw one or more subnets in a/each VPC
  4. instantiate EC2, DB, ELB, etc.
  5. (ideally, containing artifacts resize automagically as things are put inside)
  6. add connecting devices and other artifacts as needed to show connectivity and other relationships amongst the various pieces and with the big, bad world.
  7. Ideally, allow me to add configuration data specific to each artifact.

It doesn't need to generate anything (i.e. IaaS) from the diagram but it certainly could.

Does such a useful thing exist? CloudFormation Designer does not fit the bill nor do and Cloudcraft from what I could see from a quick tire kick.

Appreciate any suggestions.

4 Answers

Here are a couple of examples in Originally, these diagrams were in PPT and used a series of slides and animation. In, I used tabs to step through the major phases.

You can add meta data to the elements and there is an animation plugin but I have not used it.

profile pictureAWS
answered 3 years ago

I was looking for a tool like that as well . Tried several ones like and figma before settle on . It is an amazing tool. Give it a try and let me know if you like it . It gives you 2D and 3D view of your AWS architecture and option to export and well as cost of running some the resources as well . I think it is pretty dope . it has more

answered 3 years ago

I like the diagrams. It's good that is a diagram as code language. Examples:

answered 3 years ago

I prefer It is really awesome and supports other architectural constructs in addition to AWS

answered 2 years ago

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