EC2 Flexible Instance Type



I want to use aws to run a server for a multiplayer game. If nobody is connected I would like the instance type to be free tier. If someone connects I want to improve the instance type so they have a good experience. If up to 100 people connect I would like to be able to go up to a very powerful instance type so that they can all play without issues.

Is this possible and if so could anyone help me achieve this?

Thank you, James

asked 25 days ago83 views
3 Answers


How about increasing the number of EC2 units using AutoScaling according to the number of requests instead of changing the instance type?
Changing the instance type requires stopping EC2, so even if it can be implemented, it is not recommended.

Also, if you are using EC2 as a game server, I think one way is to use GameLift.

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answered 25 days ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 24 days ago

Hello James,

Amazon often needs to relocate the virtual machine to different hardware that has the necessary resources to accommodate the new size. So, to scale an AWS EC2 instance vertically, you must first stop the instance, change its size, and then restart it. Moreover, operating systems and software typically struggle to manage sudden increases in RAM or CPU cores.

To avoid downtime, you might want to take a look at vSphere vMotion with VMWare Cloud on AWS, but it is a challenging task and it might not be as responsive as you want.

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answered 24 days ago


The use case that you depict seems ideally suited for serverless: Lambda functions which won't cost you anything if they are not used.

So, do you have full control of the source code of your game? If yes, you should re-architect it to Lambdas to achieve the cost efficiency that you are looking for.

I highly recommend to get the best practises of serverless. Additionally, you can envision an hybrid approach where you use of mix of EC2 instances + Lambdas for the use cases where rapid scaling is required.



profile pictureAWS
answered 24 days ago

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