HTTP API Gateway direct integration with Kinesis Data Stream


Problem Statement: I would like to have a direct integration between the API Gateway with Kinesis Data Stream for a high throughput application that needs low latency. I would ideally prefer a lighter weight and cheaper cost option, and as such was leaning towards HTTP API Gateway vs the REST API Gateway.

Question: I am aware that both HTTP and REST API Gateways support direct KDS integration however I wanted to know if HTTP API Gateway supports the "putRecords" endpoint for KDS like the REST API Gateway does? As per the documentation it only lists the single "putRecord" endpoint.

Would appreciate some guidance here and if any one is using similar solution or architecture today?

2 Answers
Accepted Answer

The HTTP API only supports sending data to Kinesis via the PutRecord API, while the REST API supports both PutRecord and PutRecords. If you need to use the putRecords endpoint to batch multiple records in a single API call, you would need to use the REST API Gateway or implement custom backend logic to handle batching.

answered 3 months ago

If you're looking for lower latency and higher throughput, why not call the Kinesis Data Stream service directly? This might mean that you need to use some temporary (and appropriately scoped to a essential permissions only) credentials to the client but that should not be terribly difficult as I'm assuming that the existing/planned API is not going to be used anonymously. So you'll need to vend the credentials but then the client can use the service without having to go through a separate API service.

profile pictureAWS
answered 3 months ago
  • Thank you @brettski-AWS ! My calling system is a legacy ERP system ! I guess I will have to research what capabilities they might have to make this call directly to KDS since any kind of SDK integration will be out of the question here for them.

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