SageMaker Studio launch stuck on loading screen


My data scientists are getting stuck on this screen when they try to launch their SageMaker Studio. Error Message

The domain was created by admin role through standard setup with the following parameters:

  1. Within VPC
  2. In a private subnet
  3. NAT within the private subnet is enabled for outbound access
  4. Security group allows outbound access
  5. Authentication through IAM Identity Center

Interestingly, domain created through Quick Setup works fine (also created within the same VPC).

What else can I do to troubleshoot this? Thanks

2 Answers

Looks like it's something to do with networking, if a domain set up with Quick Setup is working as expected. Here's a troubleshooting guide -

I'd also recommend creating a SageMaker notebook instance with the same VPC/subnet configuration as the Studio domain, and check if that spins up and if you're able to access the notebook.

answered a year ago

Given the information you provided, it seems like the issue might be related to the VPC configurations, especially since the domain created through Quick Setup works fine within the same VPC.

Subnet Configuration: Double-check that the subnet in which SageMaker Studio is launched has routes to the internet. SageMaker Studio requires internet connectivity, usually through a NAT Gateway or NAT Instance, to pull necessary container images and other resources.

NAT Configuration: Ensure the NAT Gateway or Instance is properly set up and functioning. It should be in a subnet that itself has a route to an internet gateway. Check if other resources within the same subnet can access the internet.

Security Groups: Double-check the security group attached to the SageMaker Studio domain. It should allow all outbound traffic. It's also worth checking inbound rules, especially if you have specific rules set for resources within the VPC.

Service Endpoints: When using SageMaker within a VPC, ensure that you have created the necessary VPC endpoints for SageMaker services, and that they are associated with the correct subnets.

IAM Policies: Ensure the SageMaker Studio domain has the necessary IAM permissions. Sometimes, the issue might be a missing IAM permission, which might not be as intuitive to diagnose when dealing with VPCs. Ensure the execution role associated with SageMaker Studio can make calls to other AWS services that it needs to.

After making any changes, try to relaunch SageMaker Studio. If the issue persists, consider checking CloudWatch logs or SageMaker logs for more specific error messages, which can guide further troubleshooting.

answered a year ago

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