Elemental Live EOL


I am looking for the EOL documentation of Emental Live, would you be so kind to share it please? Thank you very much in advance.

asked a year ago672 views
3 Answers

If the links are down, try to submit a request for assistance directly to the AWS Elemental Appliances & Software team: https://sso.elemental.com/AEAS-Requests/

Here is some general info related to Decommissioning EOL equipment for you to review while you wait to hear back from Elemental Customer Service. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/wellarchitected/latest/cost-optimization-pillar/cost_decomissioning_resources_implement_process.html

If you are able to log in to your AWS account, you can access the Elemental Support Center:

  1. Log into your AWS account. Under Services, select AWS Elemental Appliances and Software
  2. From the main page of AWS Elemental Appliances and Software, expand the left navigation "hamburger button"
  3. Select Elemental Support Center.
  4. On the main page of the Elemental Support Center, you can find support resources.
  5. Under the Elemental Support Center title, use the search box to find Elemental-specific content. On this page, you can also see helpful articles, open and manage support cases, and find additional support resources.

Lastly, you can open a support case from the Elemental Support Center:

  1. In the open Support Cases area, click on Create Case
  2. Either click Create case, or enter a key word to search for resources to help find the information you need.
  3. If you don't find an answer, or prefer to open a case, click on the orange Create Case button on the upper right side of the screen.
answered a year ago

The url returns an error.Error

answered a year ago

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