Content-Security-Policy and data URLs-images from CAPTCHA


I'm trying to integrate AWS WAF CAPTCHA into my website which also uses Content-Security-Policy header.

But CAPTCHA JS-library tries to load SVG-images using data:-URLs and I get the following CSP-errors:

Refused to load the image '....gPC9zdmc+IA==' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "img-src 'report-sample' 'self' <CDN-hostname>.

I don't want to allow data:-URLs. Is there any other way to deal with it?

asked 3 months ago404 views
1 Answer


Thank you for contacting AWS re:Post

CAPTCHA JS-library is a subnet of JavaScript API. For JavaScript integration works with CSP, you must allow access to domain

If you apply content security policies (CSP) to your resources, for your JavaScript implementation to work, you need to allowlist the AWS WAF apex domain

Moreover, i would suggest you to reach out to the WAF team directly by using AWS premium support if the above solution does not work.

Thank you and Have a great day!

answered 3 months ago

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