Athena iceberg query error GENERIC_INTERNAL_ERROR: class io.trino.plugin.iceberg.IcebergSplit cannot be cast to class io.trino.plugin.iceberg.IcebergSplit


Facing below issue while querying from Athena ideberg table which is in cross account data catalog

GENERIC_INTERNAL_ERROR: class io.trino.plugin.iceberg.IcebergSplit cannot be cast to class io.trino.plugin.iceberg.IcebergSplit (io.trino.plugin.iceberg.IcebergSplit is in unnamed module of loader io.trino.server.PluginClassLoader @71163fab; io.trino.plugin.iceberg.IcebergSplit is in unnamed module of loader io.trino.server.PluginClassLoader @4d5a4eb9)

  • Query looks like this - select * from "AwsDataCatalogFromCDL"."falcon_navision"."iceberg_detailedcustledgentry" limit 100

asked a year ago277 views
1 Answer


This issue might be related to a known issue with respect to iceberg glue cross account support. The product team is in the process of making a fix for the same.

However, in order to debug your specific issue it is advised to reach out to us through support engineering channels.

Have a nice day!

answered a year ago

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