EKS and statefulset



I have an EKS cluster and I'd like to upgrade this cluster with bigger nodes. So I have created a new node group with the desired size four these new nodes, and I'm migrating all apps on them (cordon an old node, drain it to force deployments to recreate pods on new nodes).

I have a problem with some statefulset app. The pods areforced to use the same node, so when I want to migrate to the new nodes, the pods are stacked in pending because the pvc (gp2) used is also b ind to the same node.

How shoud I do to migrate all statefulset app from all nodes to new one without loose all data ?


asked a year ago504 views
3 Answers

gp2 volume will stay I believe if you delete a statefulset

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answered a year ago

i can migrate if the new nodes are in the same az. I have tested that last week ...

answered a year ago

If you are using topology.ebs.csi.aws.com/zone, please confirm the zone you are using for node affinity, otherwise they will not be launched after cordon drain.

answered 5 months ago

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