Issue with "Missing Authentication Token" Error When Invoking API Gateway from ECS Fargate


Hello everyone,

I've encountered a challenge with setting up a connection between an ECS Fargate container and an API Gateway. My setup involves a Lambda function that is triggered by a POST request to the API Gateway. This setup works as expected when I test it independently. However, when attempting to trigger the API Gateway through a POST request from an application hosted on ECS Fargate, I receive a "Missing Authentication Token" error, resulting in a 403 status code.

Here are the details of the issue:

  • Setup: Lambda function triggered by API Gateway. The API Gateway is supposed to be invoked by a POST request from an ECS Fargate container.
  • Problem: Despite configuring the ECS task role with the necessary permissions to invoke the API, my application throws a "missing authorization" error. It appears as though the application is not utilizing the assigned role to fetch or pass the required credentials.
  • Current Understanding: From what I've gathered, it might be necessary to programmatically retrieve the ECS task role credentials and include them in the request headers to successfully call the API. However, I'm unsure how to implement this in Node.js using the AWS SDK.

I've scoured through the documentation and forums but haven't found a clear guide on how to achieve this. Does anyone have experience or insights on how to correctly retrieve and use the ECS task role credentials in a Node.js application to invoke an API Gateway? Any example code snippets, documentation links, or general advice would be immensely helpful.

Thank you in advance for your support and guidance!

1 Answer

To retrieve and use the ECS task role credentials in a Node.js application to invoke an API Gateway, you can follow these steps:

  1. Configure Task Role: First, you need to configure a task role for your ECS task. This task role should have the necessary permissions to call the API Gateway. You can create an IAM policy with the required actions and attach it to the task role. Also, make sure the API GW is using the righ method and with the correct Authorization.

  2. Install Dependencies: In your Node.js application, you'll need to install the aws-sdk package from npm. This package provides an interface to interact with various AWS services, including retrieving credentials from the ECS task metadata.

npm install aws-sdk
  1. Retrieve Credentials: In your Node.js code, you can use the aws-sdk to retrieve the task role credentials from the ECS metadata service. Here's an example (please, test in your dev env before run it in production):
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');

// Create a new ECS metadata service object
const metadataService = new AWS.ECSMetadataService();

// Get the task role credentials
metadataService.getCredentialsForTask((err, credentials) => {
  if (err) {
    console.error('Error retrieving credentials:', err);

  // Configure the AWS SDK with the retrieved credentials
    credentials: credentials

  // Use the configured AWS SDK to call the API Gateway
  const apiGateway = new AWS.APIGateway();
  // ... (call the API Gateway methods)
  1. Call API Gateway: After configuring the AWS SDK with the retrieved task role credentials, you can use the AWS.APIGateway service object to interact with the API Gateway. For example, you can call the invokeApi method to send a request to your API Gateway endpoint.
const apiGatewayParams = {
  // Set the necessary parameters for invokeApi
  // e.g., httpMethod, resourcePath, pathWithQueryString, etc.

apiGateway.invokeApi(apiGatewayParams, (err, data) => {
  if (err) {
    console.error('Error invoking API Gateway:', err);

  // Handle the API Gateway response
  console.log('API Gateway response:', data);

Note that the ECS metadata service is only available inside the ECS task's container. If you're running your Node.js application outside of an ECS task, you'll need to use other methods to retrieve and configure AWS credentials, such as environment variables or an AWS credentials file.

Hope this helps!

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answered 5 months ago
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reviewed 5 months ago

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