While SSL Installation Getting ACME Error: Eventhough Added in Light Sail DNS check screenshot


Hi there

It's been more than month, I've been getting error while ssl encryption unfortunately all the time I add the mentioned txt records in Light Sail DNS unfortunately as you can seen in image it gives an error


Please fix this issue immediately

Thanks Amir

3 Answers

Please can you share your NS records for your domain in your screen shot.. Its covered over

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answered a year ago

Hi thanks for the solution, it worked however, website still shows Http. insecure 😟

Even though I have installed and setup Reall SSL plugin.

check the screenshot to get understand the situation in better mean


Please guide me how green-as can be visible on domain


answered a year ago

It's only been four days since you last asked this question https://repost.aws/questions/QUulcfYvkHQ72IBraTcD5G1Q/while-ssl-installation-getting-acme-error-eventhough-added-in-light-sail-dns-check-screenshot

You've got multiple records for _acme-challenge.buyerassistances.com, see below (this matches your screengrab, which means your NS records are finally correct). You need to delete all of these TXT records, wait for the deletion to propagate through so there no response when queried, then run the certificate request program again and create one new TXT record which has the required value.

Also be careful not to append an empty string as a second field of the TXT record, as appears to have happened in items 1, 3 & 4 below.

$ nslookup -q=txt _acme-challenge.buyerassistances.com

Non-authoritative answer:
_acme-challenge.buyerassistances.com	text = "0bcvNg27a9OG_dOJbB3BfpI1mYIySWDfoe7SELG-TRc" ""
_acme-challenge.buyerassistances.com	text = "4h1i0r9Qu6nxMsAZqOvNTJAfhkrIWUHRyjBIabhKi0g"
_acme-challenge.buyerassistances.com	text = "9M1ZFO-2Dh_HLa75uahzPRRNIr_T7AnnEuOhrFDHuL0" ""
_acme-challenge.buyerassistances.com	text = "MzWUnPLqtHsRJcrvpiqZuFJwESIKPf-6FjtI5_7NwEQ" ""
_acme-challenge.buyerassistances.com	text = "pg6R_BOYeFnVni_9OPuJ9C35OloN9TN6gjAue82q0k0"
_acme-challenge.buyerassistances.com	text = "zC2q3NkgSqwBEZ1Eyzz0qWFdZE89Byl1rTRHfhWFqmA"

Authoritative answers can be found from:

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answered a year ago

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