Calculating YTD


Assume i have below dataset

Brand Date Revenue Brand A 1/1/2023 30 Brand B 2/1/2023 50 Brand C 3/1/2023 60

I am trying to calculate YTD value which is Year to Date, on Jan 2023 it should be 30, Feb 2023 should be (Jan 2023 + Feb 2023 ) which should be 80, and March 2023 (Jan+Feb+Mar) should 30+50+60

Now, I need to show a matrix using Brand as rows, Month Year as columns and YTD Value as Values

To calculate YTD_revenue, I used "periodToDateSumOverTime(sum({price_times_quantity}),{receipt_date_formatted}, YEAR)" as a calculated field, but it's giving me different subtotal and total even if I chose one brand.

asked a year ago379 views
1 Answer

Hi Yasha.

You can accomplish that using Period functions. Please see the following blog post (use case 2) for a sample implementation.

I hope this helps. (if so, please accept my aswer)

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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