Forensic and statistical analysis on the AWS Certified Solutions Architect exam


I took the SAP exam on 15-Dec-2021 and after the exam ended it showed that I passed. However I received this email from AWS when they performed some forensic analysis. Could you please help me with the appeal process for this invalidation. thanks, Nagur

asked 2 years ago1672 views
2 Answers

Fist of all, the odds that a valid exam result would meet the conditions for invalidation are 1 in 1,000,000 or less.

You should follow the instructions on your last email informing you about the forensic analysis result.

You can also contact, and generally an appeal might be allowed within 30 days.

Note that according to the candidate program agreement, AWS may also require candidates to retake the exam at a mutually agreeable time and at a location chosen by AWS, or candidates may be barred from participating in the AWS Certification program in the future.

answered 2 years ago

any resolution on this.

answered 2 years ago

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