Domain Name Server Update Not Reflecting in Route 53 After Transfer


Hello AWS Community,

I recently transferred my domain to AWS and have encountered an issue with the name server configuration in Route 53. After completing the domain transfer, I confirmed with my previous registrar that the name servers had been updated to point to the AWS name servers created in Route 53. However, when I navigate to Route 53 and check under Domains, it still displays the old name servers from my previous registrar instead of the updated AWS name servers.

I Also noticed that there is no option available in the action menu for me to manually edit the name servers. This discrepancy is causing confusion and I am concerned about potential disruptions to my domain's accessibility.

Could anyone please advise on the following:

  1. Why the Route 53 dashboard might still be showing the old name servers despite confirmation from my previous registrar that they have been updated to AWS name servers?
  2. Is there a way to manually update the name servers in Route 53 that I might have overlooked?
  3. Any recommended steps to ensure the name server transition is fully propagated and recognized within AWS systems?

I appreciate any guidance or assistance the community can provide to help resolve this issue.

Thank you in advance for your support.

asked 5 months ago183 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

If the "Edit Name Servers" Action is not available, it sounds lie the domain transfer has not completed yet. What is the status of the domain transfer showing? See

profile pictureAWS
answered 5 months ago
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reviewed 5 months ago
  • Indeed, you are correct—the domain transfer process was incomplete. Despite AWS indicating a "Successful" status, my previous web host communicated that the transfer was still underway. It was only just now that they confirmed its completion. Subsequently, the "Edit NameServers" option in the Actions menu has become accessible. Thank you for your assistance

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