pinpoint cli pinpoint-sms-voice-v2 request-phone-number have a bug


Hello the documentation is inaccurate for pinpoint-sms-voice-v2 request-phone-number method. the "aws <service> isn't listed in the documentation.

Also, after trying many things, the aws cli is unable to complete: $ aws pinpoint-sms-voice-v2 request-phone-number --iso-country-code US --message-type TRANSACTIONAL --number-capabilities SMS VOICE --number-type LONG_CODE

An error occurred (ResourceNotFoundException) when calling the RequestPhoneNumber operation: Resource Not Found - ResourceType="phone-number"

It seams like the service simple doesn't function correctl.

asked 2 years ago401 views
1 Answer

For US, number-type LONG_CODE only supports --number-capabilities VOICE. If you want a US phone number that supports both SMS and VOICE, then you can use number-type TOLL_FREE (or TEN_DLC but registration is required before requesting a TEN_DLC phone number).


aws pinpoint-sms-voice-v2 request-phone-number --iso-country-code US --message-type TRANSACTIONAL --number-capabilities VOICE --number-type LONG_CODE

aws pinpoint-sms-voice-v2 request-phone-number --iso-country-code US --message-type TRANSACTIONAL --number-capabilities SMS VOICE --number-type TOLL_FREE

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answered 2 years ago

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