How to delete an orphaned Snapshot from deleted Backup Vault?


During a round of testing I ended up deleting a Backup Vault before a copy job was finished with it as a destination. The result is that now I only have access to it through the Snapshots tab in EC2 and I can't delete it there or through the CLI. Is there anything I can do?

asked 2 years ago422 views
1 Answer

Check if you can list the snapshots in AWS Backup Protected Resources tab by below CLI. aws backup list-protected-resources aws backup list-recovery-points-by-resource --resource-arn "ARN"

If you can see them, you can use delete command that would list and also delete all the recovery points for that Volume resource, following is the example command: aws backup list-recovery-points-by-resource --resource-arn <Resource ARN> --region <Region> --output json --query 'RecoveryPoints[].[BackupVaultName,RecoveryPointArn]' | jq -r '.[] | "--backup-vault-name '''" + .[0] + "''' --recovery-point-arn " + .[1]' | xargs -L1 aws backup delete-recovery-point --region <Region>

answered 2 years ago

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