Create and show navigation mesh?


Hi guys,

I can't seem to figure out how to create and view the navigation mesh in a simple test level. My setup is as follows:

  • Three entities: [A] Capsule with navigation, character physics, etc. [B] Obstacle with static physics, and a collider. "Sunk" into the terrain halfway. [C] Simple entity with transform only, to serve as a waypoint.

  • [A] has a LUA script to move to [C]. [B] is between entity [A] and [C].

  • Navigation area created to enclose [A], [B], and [C]. It is "sunk" a little below the terrain.

Expectation: For [A] to nav around [B] to reach [C].

Result: When I hit Play, [A] moves toward [C], but is stopped by [B].

I am unable to view the navigable area, regardless of the value of 'ai_DebugDrawNavigation' (I've set it to 0 through 5, no luck).

Any thoughts? I'd like to start integrating navigable meshes into my level, but I'm a bit stuck at the moment.


asked 7 years ago214 views
3 Answers
Accepted Answer

Figured it out finally - this documentation is incomplete:

To show the nav mesh area, both "ai_DebugDrawNavigation" must be non-zero AND "ai_DebugDraw" must be >= 0.

answered 7 years ago

Sorry for the troubles @REDACTEDUSER

answered 7 years ago

Good morning,

I am a technical artist on the lumberyard team. I will communicate this to our Documentation team, thank you for sending this out to us!


answered 7 years ago

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