What are the steps in deleting users Quicksight users managed in Active Directory to avoid extra charges.


The organization erased several quicksight users managed in active directory but I'm continued to be charged for them. I read in Documentation>Quicksight>UserGuide the following "Deactivating a group or user account removes that group or user's access to Amazon QuickSight resources, like analyses or data sets. However, it doesn't delete resources they own and it doesn't release their SPICE capacity."

What would be the necessary steps to release all the resources and avoid extra charges? I don't see the list of inactive users in Quicksight Manage account.

thank you

1 Answer
  1. Make sure the user is remove from all of the Active Directory groups that are integrated with Quicksight, this will deactivate the user. To find what groups they are apart of you can follow: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/quicksight/latest/user/managing-users-enterprise.html#view-user-accounts-enterprise
  2. Once they are deactivated you should be able to delete the user. (Heres some documentation for deleting a user: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/quicksight/latest/user/managing-users.html#delete-a-user-account)
answered 2 years ago
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reviewed 2 years ago

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