How to configure AD FS in AWS Managed AD


Hi I want to set up federated access to Amazon Athena for Microsoft AD FS users using AWS Lake Formation and a JDBC client. For that I need to setup a AD FS in AWS managed AD. I have already installed the remote adminitration tools and federation services role from server manager. I am stuck at getting xml file located at : https://<adfs-server-name>/FederationMetadata/2007-06/FederationMetadata.xml . I am new to AD and can't seem to figure out how to configure AD FS since the user does not have domain admin access. When I create a new user with domain admins access I get error that I don't have permission to assign groups to users although I use Admin user of AWS Managed AD. Can anybody help me step by step on how to setup AD FS server role so that I can download xml file?

asked 2 years ago2.2K views
1 Answer
answered 2 years ago

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