Kinesis Data Streams Initialization Error in Amazon Connect Start media streaming block


I'm encountering an error in my production Amazon Connect contact flow after enabling Kinesis Data Streams according to the documentation

Specifically, the error occurs when using the "Start media streaming" block in contact flow, suggesting a potential Kinesis initialization issue.

This setup works perfectly in my testing instance, including integration with the Express Voicemail solution.

However, the error appears only when migrating to the production environment.

2 Answers

To troubleshoot the "Start Media Streaming" block error in your production Amazon Connect instance, follow these steps:

  1. Check the status of the Kinesis Data Stream configured for media streaming. It should be in an ACTIVE state. If it has been deleted, recreate the stream and re-enable data streaming in your Connect instance.


  1. Review the CloudWatch logs and metrics for your Connect instance and Kinesis Data Stream. Look for any throttling errors or exceptions related to the Kinesis Data Stream or the KMS key used for encryption.

  2. Ensure that the IAM role associated with your Connect instance has the necessary permissions to put records into the Kinesis Data Stream.


  1. If the issue is intermittent, add a Loop block in your contact flow to retry the "Start Media Streaming" block a few times before routing to the error flow.

  2. Review the CloudTrail logs for any "AccountStreamLimitExceededException" errors, which indicate that the account limit has been exceeded.


If the issue persists after following these steps, you may need to open a support case with AWS for further assistance.

answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago

Already checked the status of Kinesis Data Stream is ACTIVE, also added the loop in contact flow and it's keep routing the call to the loop for reinitializing.

This is an open issue here

Suddenly it starts working, i think it takes some time to get populated once we enabled the streaming via kinesis.

answered a month ago

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