Best EKS - ECR Configuration


We currently have an EKS cluster with a monolytic application.

We are thinkin of separating this application into multiple ones, which causes that we will have multiple docker images in different ECR repositories

It is better to handle this use case as different clusters or using different images in different nodes?

asked 6 months ago221 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

For your use case, it's generally better to use different images in different nodes within the same EKS cluster rather than setting up different clusters. This approach simplifies cluster management, reduces costs, and allows for easier scaling and resource allocation. EKS is designed to handle multiple applications (each in its own set of containers) within the same cluster efficiently. Utilizing different ECR repositories for your Docker images is a good practice for organization and version control, and EKS can seamlessly pull from multiple ECR repositories as needed.

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answered 6 months ago
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reviewed 6 months ago

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