Minimal number of DocumentDB instances in regional clusters for High availability


What is the minimal recommended number of DocumentDB instances (regional cluster) to archive High availability? We are migrating from MongoDB and there the minimal number was 3. Thanks

asked a year ago622 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Two instances are enough for fail over as read replica in other AZ would become primary in case of fail over. Refer Document DB Failover.

Based on load, volume and additional factors such as SLAs, RTO, RPO, this can further be extended but primary purpose of HA would be achieved using two instances.

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profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed a year ago
  • I have to use the regional cluster to remain on the same region zone (data locality requirement). The region has 3 availability zones. The main question is 2 instances enough for high availability or I need 3 (depends how quorum is calculated).

  • Thank you for clarifying the question. Two instances are enough for fail over as read replica in other AZ would become primary in case of fail over. Refer Document DB Failover. Should you have any additional questions, comment here, if this answers your question, please click "Accept answer" and upvote it.

    PS: I'm updating my answer with these comments.

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