Cross Region APIs - Serverless App with Aurora Postgres - Latency Expectations


Hi - My customer has a serverless web app (Lambda Node.js) with aurora postgres hosted in us-east-1 (active) and us-east-2 (passive). Read replica is in the secondary region with asynchronous replication enabled. There are certain scenarios, the read app traffic from us-east-1 is directed to the read replica in us-east-2 which means app in us-east-1 and database in us-east-2. Customer is looking for guidance on latency expectations if we cross region for certain period of time. I know this more of anti-pattern but the customer would like to understand the latency expectations and any published numbers in this case. Thank you.

asked 8 months ago179 views
2 Answers


The following document states that global database latency is less than 1 second.
No other published numbers were found in the documentation.

Can I have cross-region replicas with Amazon Aurora?
Yes, you can set up cross-region Aurora replicas using either physical or logical replication. Physical replication, called Amazon Aurora Global Database, uses dedicated infrastructure that leaves your databases entirely available to serve your application, and can replicate up to five secondary regions with typical latency of under a second. It's available for both Aurora MySQL-Compatible Edition and Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition.

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answered 8 months ago
  • They were asking about app to database latency, not global database replication latency.


As always, the answer to nearly any performance question is "it depends"... 😎. In your case, a lot will depend on the sizes of the average SQL statement sent from us-east-1 to us-east-2 and the result set sent back. For the lowest network latency across regions, you should peer your VPCs so everything goes across the AWS backbone (see the docs at for guidance).

The good news is your two regions are relatively close so the physics of a round-trip TCP/IP send/ack pair has pretty low latency simply due to the minimal distance. The site at does a pretty good job at showing average ping latencies for all commercial AWS region pairings. Their monitoring framework also uses VPC peering so the results, while only averages rather P50, P99, etc. values, look pretty accurate.

answered 8 months ago

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