No RDS Create Free Tier Template Option After Deleting First DB



I created an RDS, Free-Tier Template MySQL database and subsequently deleted it not long after creation. It has been deleted and no longer appears on the instances list.

I wish to create another one, almost identical but with some different configuration settings but now under "Standard create" there is no longer the third Template option "Free Tier" but only the paid "Production" and "Dev/Test" options.

Is there a cooldown period for creating another database after creating/deleting one on the free tier? And if so how long will this be. I'd like to use AWS but may use another cloud DB provider if I can no longer have a free-tier RDS DB.

Thanks kindly.

asked 4 years ago463 views
2 Answers

The Free-Tier option appeared before my very eyes, maybe there was a cool down period. I had selected MySQL previously and still the free-tier wasn't available.

answered 4 years ago


Based on the RDS free-tier documentation and test I did from my end, there is no cool down for creating another free-tier instance. There is a possibility that your 12 months period of running free-tier services has been reached.

Please check out this link for further information about AWS free-tier :


Let us know if you need anything.

answered 4 years ago

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