CID Lambda Runtimes


We deployed CID using CloudFormation templates and have been updating the dashboard using cid-cmd but some of the Lambda runtimes are on Python 3.8 which is going end of life. Could you advise the proper process to uplift the Lambdas please?

Accounts-Collector-Function-CID budgets-Lambda-Function-CID CID-Compute-Optimizer-FinalizeSetup-DoNotRun cost-explorer-rightsizing-CID ecs-chargeback-Lambda-Function-CID inventory-Lambda-Function-CID Organization-Data-CID pricing-Lambda-Function-CID pricing-RDS-Lambda-Function-CID rds_usage_data-Lambda-Function-CID trusted-advisor-Lambda-Function-CID

  • please accept the answer if it was useful

asked 21 days ago69 views
2 Answers

Time to update

remove support of python3.7 and 3.8, add 3.12

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answered 21 days ago
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reviewed 21 days ago
  • Thanks. Do we update our existing CFN stacks then?


Found this page which looks like the best thing to do.

answered 21 days ago

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