Add watermark to s3 video stream


Hy, I have a s3 bucket containing large video files. In a nodeJs server, I use Aws.s3.getObject from 'aws-sdk' npm to get the needed file. I need the response stream to contain a watermark layer that is a part of the file. i need the watermark to be dynamic for each account so it is not an option to store the file with a watermark when I upload it. when I request the file I don't want any changed to be done on the original file, just edit the response stream. is it possible to do something like that? I researched and found that something like that can be done using lamda function but I had a very hard time to find exactly what I need in your documentations.

Ill really appreciate any help to figure that out Thanks ahead! Aviv

1 Answer

You can use AWS Lambda@Edge to modify and process videos at the CloudFront edge locations as they are being retrieved from S3. This allows adding watermarks dynamically without pre-processing the videos.

The steps involve:

Write a Lambda@Edge function to overlay the watermark on the video stream
Associate the Lambda function with a CloudFront distribution behavior
When the video is requested through CloudFront, the function will execute and return the watermarked video stream

answered a month ago
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reviewed 23 days ago

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