Can't select subnet at DocumentDB


I'm actually trying to deploy a DOCUMENTDB cluster howerver our EC2 instances are in france, so i tried to create a vpc peering between france and Ireland i tested this one and it works.
However when i'm trying to create my DOCUMENTDB I can't select any of my subnets or vpc.
If someone can help, or has another solution than vpc peering for cross region using DOCUMENTDB.

asked 5 years ago460 views
1 Answer

When creating a DocumentDB cluster in EU(Ireland), you should be able to see the VPC and subnets in that region in the console. If you do not specify a VPC or subnet group when creating a cluster, the console/API will use the default VPC and subnet group in that region (if it has not been explicitly deleted - this is not normal).

Once the cluster has been created in EU(Ireland), you should be able to connect using VPC peering between EU(Ireland) and EU(France).

answered 5 years ago

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