RecommenderArn is not in GetRecommendationsRequest.builder


I am begginning in aws personalize basics so I imported data sets and created recommenders in the console and now I want to get the recommendations in code using aws SDK for java the problem is when I wanted to create a GetRecommendationsRequest to send to the getRecommendations in the builder a recommenderArn does not exist only a campaignArn but I am using domain data groups and in the docs it says there is supposed to be a recommenderArn this code is from DOCS:

public static void getRecs(PersonalizeRuntimeClient personalizeRuntimeClient, String recommenderArn, String userId){
      try {
          GetRecommendationsRequest recommendationsRequest = GetRecommendationsRequest.builder()

          GetRecommendationsResponse recommendationsResponse = personalizeRuntimeClient.getRecommendations(recommendationsRequest);
          List<PredictedItem> items = recommendationsResponse.itemList();

          for (PredictedItem item: items) {
              System.out.println("Item Id is : "+item.itemId());
      } catch (AwsServiceException e) {

does anyone know what might be the issue ?

asked 2 years ago235 views
1 Answer

its ok its solved now was using older version that did not have the recommenderArn

answered 2 years ago

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