Support custom time zone and collation in RDS Custom for SQL Server


Isn't it ironic that a "custom" version doesn't support custom properties such as time zone and collation while the "classic" version does?

This is an RDS blocker for us as we wanted to use RDS Custom for SQL Server as an AAG target of an on-premise AAG source for having a read-only replica which we wanted to eventually cut over to.

Now we have to use ec2 for that.

2 Answers

I would like to inform you that these options are not present currently as mentioned in the limitations of RDS Custom for SQL Server.

As per the documentation related to the RDS API here

--character-set-name (string)

  • For supported engines, this value indicates that the DB instance should be associated with the specified CharacterSet .
  • This setting doesn't apply to RDS Custom. However, if you need to change the character set, you can change it on the database itself.

So, while you can't change the server-level collation, you can create a database with a different collation than the instance collation as mentioned.

Please allow me to inform you that feature request is already created for this limitation.

Also, when using RDS Custom SQL Server you cannot change the timezone of the existing instance as in SQL Server the time zone is derived directly from the operating system of the host server, so it is not possible to change it just for the SQL Server Instance.

answered 2 years ago
  • Can we workaround the time zone issue by using a custom engine version (CEV) based on an EC2 golden image with a custom O/S time zone?

  • I am interested in the status of this feature request - is there a link to this so we can monitor the status? This is also a blocker for us as we are trying to migrate an application from on-prem to cloud which requires SQL server with sysadmin permissions and SQL_Latin1_General_CP437_BIN collation - RDS and RDS custom do not offer this combination.


Hi there,

Since last month RDS Custom for SQL Server supports local time zones.

Regards, Roni.

answered a year ago

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