STM32L4 discovary board AWS IoT Tera Term Error


So I went through all the steps to connect the STM32L4 to the AWS Cloud although I have encountered an error with the MQTT (the error I am receiving on Tera Term is shown in the image below), how do I rectify this issue?

  • What FreeRTOS version did you select in the console? And did you build with System Workbench for STM32 or CMake?

  • I built with system workbench, im using the latest version of FreeRTOS.

  • Thanks for the info

asked 2 years ago239 views
2 Answers

This is the error, I forgot to attach the image: Enter image description here

answered 2 years ago

Hi Obinex. I dusted off my STM32L4 and went through the quick start. Everything worked fine.

You should be receiving either nothing, or a 2-byte CONNACK. Instead you're getting some kind of truncated or seemingly corrupt response that is not any kind of valid MQTT message. Assuming you didn't modify the firmware, I don't have a theory on what's wrong here. And we already checked the policy on your other question. I suggest you open a GitHub issue here:

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

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