AWS Client VPN timeout


A customer is looking for a solution to manage the idle session timeouts with AWS Client VPN. Any pointers will be highly appreciated.


asked 4 years ago1077 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

The maximum timeout on CVPN is 24 hours. The CVPN connections will reset after this period. Customers should not use Client VPN service for long lived tunnels. ClientVPN does not support long-lived VPN tunnels. They should design/tune the application to detect timeouts faster and periodically re-establish the connections every 2 or 3 hours.

If they have a requirement to use long lived sessions, they should opt for site-to-site VPN connection. If they would like to tune existing CVPN setting they can add the following in their .ovpn client config file

reneg-sec 0
keepalive 1 120

answered 4 years ago

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