(Boto3) How can I call the VPC Route tables to return an indication that a Network Firewall is being used?


I'm currently writing a config rule. I was able to write a config rule to see if a Network Firewall is attached to the VPC. I am not revieiwing the boto3 documentation here to determine if a networkfirewall is being used.

Is there a method or certain Filters I can call to determine if the subnet is going to a Network Firewall?

1 Answer

There's nothing that is going to directly indicate that a Network Firewall is being used. However, what you can do is get a list of Network Firewall endpoints that are deployed into the VPC; then check the route entries in each route table and see if the destination is one of those endpoints.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 2 years ago
  • Do I use filter to get a list of the route entries?

    The filters in boto3 docuemntation for describe_route tables?

  • You may be able to filter on route.gateway-id.

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