Windows password not working


Hi Team, I am trying to login to windows ec2 instance which is derived from vhd in azure exported as ami in aws. I am launching ec2 instance from custom AMI. Tried SSM, EC2 launch steps but the given password is not working. I am able to get the password but that is not working while login in. Please help or guide..

asked 3 years ago740 views
1 Answer


Since this is an Imported Image, if properly sysprep the Administrator password would match the Console password but in some cases it will not. If there was a local admin account on the Image prior to import to AWS or any user in the Remote Desktop Users group, you can use the same credentials to RDP into the Instance.


net user TestUser Password@123
net localgroup administrators TestUser /add```

- Then try to login with the user ***TestUser*** via RDP

For additional information, see the documentation [How can I reset the administrator password on an EC2 Windows instance](

Should you need further clarification, reach out to [AWS Premium Support](
answered 3 years ago

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