Attempting to give user permissions to lamba function to associate it with a CloudFront distro


Hi Everyone,

Apologies if this is a stupid question but I am attempting to setup a Lamba function as an origin request handler in a CloudFront distribution. I was reading through which seems simple enough that I need to grant my account permissions to call the function to the distro...makes sense.

The problem I am having is just assigning the permissions. We use an external identity provider and I couldn't find the ARN for my account in the IAM Identity Center listed anywhere but I may just be blind. I found when signing up for Repost it displayed my ARN so I attempted to use that to grant myself permission but I just get an error that

"was invalid. Member must satisfy expression: [\w+=,.@-]* Please check your input and try again." so I must have the incorrect ARN.

I am sure I am overlooking something easy but I am a noob and just am looking for help. Thanks Amazon. What's the easiest way to pull my ARN for my account with an external identity provider? Am I formatting something wrong with the submission? Not sure if sharing the ARN has any critical internal data.

1 Answer

I figured this out, it needs the principle role ARN from the role instead of from the specific user account. Thanks all.

answered 5 months ago

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