Kinesis data stream - data transfer charges for on-premises consumer/producer


A customer is asking how egress data from Kinesis data stream to his on-premises consumer is charged.

The Kinesis pricing page indicates: "Data transfer is free. AWS does not charge for data transfer from your data producers to Amazon Kinesis Data Streams, or from Amazon Kinesis Data Streams to your Amazon Kinesis Applications."

Based on this I would assert that all data transfer to and from Kinesis is free. I am somewhat vary though that this may not apply across regions and/or from on-premises.

Can someone please clarify for me, while I go back to the customer to get a better understanding of their approach. Having remote producers and applications may inject complete different challenges altogether.

asked 6 years ago1011 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

There's no charge for any kind of data transfer (either IN or OUT). The Pricing page is clear when it states that the price is based on shard/hour, PUTs, and retention.

Pricing is based on two core dimensions - Shard Hour and PUT Payload Unit, and an optional dimension – Extended Data Retention.

That's it. In fact, if you open up the Simple Monthly Calculator, you'll see that the tab for Kinesis Data Streams doesn't even have a "data transfer" field.

answered 6 years ago

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