EC2 instance memory not available to me


The EC2 instance memory is not available to me. I have a c5a.8xlarge for example that has 64 GB memory. It shows that 2 GB is in use and that only 400 MB is available to me. The low memory problem started on May 1. I was running the software that I have installed on the instance the day before. I was able to check the results quickly in the morning of May 1. Then unplugged my laptop, did not shut down the instance, came into the office and connected to the instance again through remote desktop app. I was no longer able to run any models or look at some of the results that require a lot of memory. Why is the instance showing 64 GB memory and I only have access to 400 MB?

  • Did you see if there is any memory leak? Try to restart and see if the problem persists, also profile the memory to see memory leaks.

  • How did you check memory capacity and utilization? Can you also provide some information about your operating system?

  • I restarted the instance multiple times, even changed the instance type to a higher level to get more memory. The problem remains. Is it normal to see only 2 GB available and 80% being used even if I am not running any models? The operating system is Windows. I go into the Task Manager>Performance tab, to see the memory usage. The software crashes and gives the message "memory allocation failure" and "the grid may be too large for the computer's memory limit". I have never had an issue running my models before. I only add CPUs for parallel processing and to speed up the simulation.

asked 9 months ago541 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

This was caused by Windows Operating System being deactivated. AWS used a couple of slmgr.vbs commands to activate Windows. Once activated, all the memory became available.

answered 9 months ago

You can check the memory usage for each application in the Task Manager's Processes Tab.

Check to see if any processes are using a large amount of memory.

If there is a problem with the instance, I recommend that you stop and start the instance instead of restarting it from the OS. This is effective when there is a problem with the AWS infrastructure.

I am not sure if I am reading English correctly since my native language is not English. It shows something like 61/63 GB, right? Or is it only recognizing 2 GB and displaying something like 1.6/2 GB?

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answered 9 months ago
  • Thank you, shibata, for your comment. I usually stop and start the instance by checking the instance and selecting stop instance. the Processes tab of Task Manager, I see Antimalware Service Executable and termsvcs taking most of the memory. in the Performance tab, it shows 1.2/2.0 GB in use and then shows 510 GB as Hardware reserved. I don't know if this is relevant or not, but I see a lot of application errors in the "Event Viewer" showing faulting application ctfmon.exe.

  • If it shows 1.2/2.0 GB, the problem seems to be that the OS does not recognize 64 GB of memory. Unfortunately, I have never encountered this type of problem using EC2 and cannot provide a solution.

    Updating the driver (or Windows Update) and stopping and starting the instance may help.

    If possible, you may want to try building a new instance.

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