AWS Glue Version 4 Jupyter Notebook- how to update to latest boto3?


I am using Glue Version 4 notebook in Glue Studio. Also tried Script version in the console. All of them do not recognize Lake Formation hybrid opt-in APIs. Throws below error. "AttributeError: 'LakeFormation' object has no attribute 'list_lake_formation_opt_ins' "

Tried the below options: 1/ %additional_python_modules s3://aws-glue-assets-430431572129-us-east-1/scripts/boto3-1.34.144-py3-none-any.whl

Errors that "Failed to update job [] updateJob: InvalidInputException: Deprecated argument(s) used. Use "--pip-install" instead of "--additional-python-modules""

2/ When I force run the code, it still throws the error: "AttributeError: 'LakeFormation' object has no attribute 'list_lake_formation_opt_ins'" And boto3 versions seems to be the older 1.26.133

How do we upgrade the boto3 version to the latest in the Glue Version 4 studio notebooks? Is this even possible?

asked 3 months ago248 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

This is the config that worked for the Glue Ray notebooks Glue Version 4:

    '--additional-python-modules': 'boto3==1.34.144',
    '--python-modules-installer-option': '--upgrade'

Just a note, this has to be added in its own cell without any extra magics and has to be executed before you start your session:

import boto3
answered 3 months ago

You can use %%configure or %additional_python_modules [1] magic to upgrade boto3 version. This needs to be done at the very beginning i.e. before a session is created -

%additional_python_modules boto3==1.34.144

This version of boto3 has lakeformation list_lake_formation_opt_ins API.


answered 3 months ago

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