DOWNLOAD_SOURCE => Failed => YAML_FILE_ERROR: YAML file does not exist



I have set up the codepipeline. I'm experiencing build failure details are 'DOWNLOAD_SOURCE => Failed => YAML_FILE_ERROR: YAML file does not exist' .

Can you clarify the need of explicit yaml file in the code level as I already defined my settings at the time of creating 'CodePipeine' please ?


asked 4 years ago3697 views
1 Answer

Hi Krishnan,

CodePipeline is a continuous delivery orchestration service, it does not run builds itself but instead delegates that work to CodeBuild, which looks for the buildspec.yml to determine how to build your code.

You have the choice of either creating a buildspec.yml in your source repository, or editing the CodeBuild Project attached to your pipeline and specifying the buildspec.yml inline.

answered 4 years ago

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