Remove Weekly Amazon MQ Maintenance Schedule


Hello Community,

I hope this message finds everyone well. I am seeking advice on how to remove the currently scheduled weekly maintenance window for our Amazon MQ service.

Our operational requirements have changed, and we no longer find a weekly maintenance schedule necessary. Unfortunately, these maintenance windows have sometimes caused service disruptions that impact our business operations.

Could someone guide me on how to disable or adjust the weekly maintenance schedule for Amazon MQ? Any insights or experiences shared would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your assistance!

asked 2 months ago214 views
3 Answers

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Hi A_J,

Thank you for your response!! Unfortunately, I don't find any None option in the edit settings of the MQ service.

Can you guide me?

answered 2 months ago

To do this :- Log in to the AWS Management Console:

Navigate to the Amazon MQ Console.

Select Your Broker:

In the navigation pane, choose Brokers. Select the broker for which you want to adjust or remove the maintenance window. Modify the Broker:

On the broker details page, choose the Configuration tab. Click on the Edit button to modify the broker's configuration. Update Maintenance Window:

In the Maintenance section, you can modify the maintenance window settings. To remove the maintenance window, set the Preferred maintenance window fields to None. Save Changes:

After updating the maintenance settings, click on Save changes.

Important Considerations

*** Be mindful that completely removing the maintenance window might prevent Amazon MQ from applying necessary updates and patches. Consider scheduling the maintenance window during off-peak hours to minimize the impact. Documentation: Refer to the Amazon MQ for the most up-to-date information on managing maintenance window ***

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answered 2 months ago

Is there any way to deactivate it?

answered 2 months ago

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