Diference between Bucket with Deep archive and Glacier Vault


I need to do a cold backup of a dataserver with a lot of data, so i wonder wich is the best way to do? Using Glacier and FastGlacier to upload to a vault or create a bucket in S3 and upload as Glacier Deep Archive (actually i don't know the difference).

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asked 2 years ago768 views
1 Answer

Hi ReinnerH,

About differences between glacier deep archive and vaults, in general if you use deep archive, then you have the advantage of using s3 api, UI console to interact to manage objects and more s3 related features (lifecycle rules, etc…). Probably deep archive is cheaper that glacier vault, though with similar retrieval time.thus, in general is better to use glacier from aws than not.

A disadvantage of s3 glacier is thought that, as you cannot upload archives to S3 Glacier by using the management console (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazonglacier/latest/dev/uploading-an-archive.html), if you are looking for a user friendly web client, then fastglacier can be a good fit.

Otherwise other options include:

  • use CLI
  • use SDK
  • use s3 lifecycle rules

Hope it clarifies

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answered 2 years ago
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reviewed 9 months ago

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