Instance Checks on IPv6 only instances?


The EC2 documentation suggests that instance checks are performed by doing ARP probes to the instance. Which seems fine for instances which support IPv4.

I have an IPv6 only instance which fails the instance check despite everything working just fine. By logging into the serial console of the instance and running tcpdump, I can see that the EC2 infrastructure does not seem to be probing my instance at all. I see router advertisements as the only unsolicited traffic. The infrastructure does respond to my own instance's Neighbor Solicitation packets.

So two questions... First, do instance checks actually work on IPv6 instances? And if so, what setting do I need to flip to get the infrastructure to start probing my instance?

asked a month ago111 views
1 Answer

I have not been able to verify this, but I believe the instance check will succeed.

Are you using an instance type that uses Nitro System? If you are using IPv6, it requires an instance type that supports Nitro System.

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answered a month ago
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reviewed 25 days ago

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